3D材質練習-透明塑膠杯 滅火器

最近在練習3D max的貼材質,3D整個就是一個很神奇的東西,從建模、材質、燈光到動畫,每個都是學問阿,雖說是照著教學練習的,可是久了也是可以進步神速的,我那時候自學PS就是這樣來的,先放上透明塑膠杯跟滅火器桶的材質。

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1 Response

  1. Ren表示:

    For the plastic cup, too much diffuse, a plastic cup like yours
    is really strange, it's more like a transparent brush metal. So
    either change it to a transparent plastic, or change it into the
    milky white cup, pay attention to spec, that's the important part.
    For the fire extinguisher, the body surface is too perfect, make
    some larger dent and small imperfection, spec is too glossy for
    usual paint on fire extinguisher.
    Go on!!
    版主回覆:(08/13/2008 10:49:43 PM)